All The Kids

baby baby baby baby BabyGaga

Monday, February 04, 2013

Lots of shoes...

For those of you not on facebook, here was the picture I posted the other day. 

I realized recently that Maisy was no longer a baby, but a full-fledged toddler. A few people, when I made this observation to them, commented that maybe it was time to have another one. So we decided that was a good idea and went for it!
Longueil Baby #4 is due August 10. It was a bit of a surprise (we always wanted four, but weren't anticipating this pregnancy this soon) but it will be perfect. We are very excited. Ayda has already guessed that it's a boy. No, cancel that. She has stated that it's a boy. I guess we will see!!! (No, we are not finding out the gender before s/he is born. I loved the surprise with the other three, and no doubt will love the surprise this time around, too!)

As I was rounding up shoes for the picture, I thought - boy, that's a lot of shoes!! I guess 6 people require a lot of shoes - especially when at least half of those 6 are girls!!

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