Becoming Accountable...
I'm going to give a more "official" review of the Accountable Kids program in this post. We started a couple of weeks ago, and are just moving into the second "step" tomorrow. Up until this point, the kids have had "core" chores - chores that are expected of them each day because they are a part of the family. They earn tickets for each "set" of chores they do - one in the morning, one in the afternoon and one in the evening. They must then redeem tickets to do certain activities such as watch TV, play on the ipod, etc.
Both Jared and Ayda have basically the same core chores. In the morning, they each have to get dressed, make their bed and brush their teeth. Ayda also has to make sure her hair is combed, either by her or myself. In the afternoon, we have quiet time and they have to pick up their toys on the main floor and in the basement. Jared also has to practise his music. In the evening, they have to put on their PJ's, get either Ryan or I to floss and brush their teeth, clean up their room and say their prayers. We will add more as they get older and are capable of other things.
They can also get tickets taken away for bad behavior, such as arguing, complaining, etc. Basic undesirable behavior.
Tomorrow we are starting with the next part - extra chores and privilege pass. (I realize we are doing the extra chores thing in step two instead of step three.) Jared has been dying to start this, as he has decided to work towards a DS. We decided, because they are younger (5 and 4), instead of giving them cash, they will each pick something to work towards with their extra chores. I'll make a chart, and each time they complete an extra chore, I'll add a line in the chart until the lines reach the top and they get whatever they pick. Jared's daily extra chore is clearing the table and Ayda's is setting it (at supper). Jared's weekly chore is helping Ryan collect and take out the garbage and Ayda's is helping me clean the bathrooms. We will add more as time goes by.
This program has definitely helped my sanity. I think it's helpful for me, because it's a "no argue" method. The board, reminder cards and tickets are all there, in plain sight. No fighting about what needs to be done, etc. It has helped Jared more than Ayda - his personality lends itself better to this sort of thing. I think with Ayda, we need to find her "currency" a bit more accurately, so that having tickets means more. She also seems to think that she can buy bad behavior. For example, the other day, I told her if she didn't stop playing and start cleaning her room, I was going to take a ticket away. She said to me, "That's ok - take a ticket and I'll keep playing." Umm, no sweetie, it doesn't work that way!
I also started the program before I set clear conditions for taking away tickets as well as what activities needed to be "bought". Now that I've done that, I expect it to run smoother.
Overall, I give this program a 4 out of 5. It doesn't work quite as seamlessly as I thought it would. But the kids are excited about it and it has definitely helped them complete daily tasks I would fight with them about otherwise - that or let it slide and then it wouldn't get done. I am still deciding whether 3 years of age is too young for the "full version" or if it's my daughter's personality that creates the struggle. She turned 4 in December, so she's not even 3, but a struggle it is, at times. If she's with Jared and he's excited to do something, she follows suit, so the more I can get them together doing chores, the better. She tends to not do things unless supervised, either. And that was one big thing I was hoping would happen - that I wouldn't have to be on her. Again, I am hoping that if I can tweak the things that need tickets to do, so that it's more her currency, we will have success in this area as well.
I will keep updating as we continue with this program - I continue to be excited about it!
You can check out the website at
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