All The Kids

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Sunday, January 29, 2012

I was just reading a friend's blog, and she mentioned that this year, she wants to talk about good books she's read. And since I recently asked for suggestions from people for good books to read (and received many awesome suggestions), I thought I'd pass them on.
Let me start by saying that up until, oh, 5 1/2 years ago or so, I would devour books. I mean, devour. When I started driving, I asked my Dad numerous times when that house or that farm along the highway had been built, because I had never seen them before. They had all been there long before I was even born - I had just never noticed them because I ALWAYS read when I was in the car. And out of the car. Anyway, enter kids and that slowly changed. Actually, it changed when I went to college and university. I read just as much, it just wasn't my choice of books. It was quite nice to convocate and be able to choose my literature again!
Anyway, over the years I have read books here and there, but when I started on the Girl With the Dragon Tattoo series this summer, my passion for reading was rekindled. I think I read those three books in the week we were at the cabin. And I was there by myself with the kids from Monday to Friday. That's not to brag, it just made me so happy to remember my love for books. Having a newborn is a good and a bad thing for reading. On the one hand, I have lots of nursing time to spend reading. But other times during the day are taken up by her or the other kids. But I have managed to do a lot of reading lately, and here are some of my favorites:
- All three books of the Dragon series - The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo, The Girl Who Played with Fire and The Girl Who Kicked the Hornet's Nest (some shocking scenes, beware)
- The Hunger Games Trilogy - Hunger Games, Catching Fire and Mockingjay (although aimed at teens, I would say it's not appropriate for young teens)
- Room - I heard about this book a couple of months ago and then forgot about it. It's fascinating.
- Sarah's Key - Some parts are hard to read (it's about WWII), but you can't put it down. One of my favorite things about it was that the chapters are SUPER short, so I could read a chapter here and there throughout my day. Mothers appreciate this!
- Quo Vadis - My sister in law gave this to me for Christmas last year, and it took me awhile to get into it. It's written a LONG time ago and the language/grammar/spelling can be horrendous at times. But once you get used to that, you can't put it down. It's about the new Christian church in Rome - new as in, Peter and Paul are in the book.

Those are some of my recent favorites. I also have a book shelf full of favorites from the past. When I was in high school, I read a series about WWII by a Jewish Christian women. It's historical fiction and totally fascinating - the series is called The Zion Covenant. When I thin k of favorite books, those always pop into my mind first. If anyone wants to borrow them from me (or any books I have for that matter) feel free to ask!


Unknown said...

Quo Vadis is a good one, I read that a number of years ago and yeah, slow to get into but once I was into it, could not put the book down. Another book you may like if you haven't read it yet is The Russlander by Sandra Birdsell.

I used to have a love of reading just like you and rarely pick up a book anymore, so sad. But my arms aren't long enough to read while nursing (I've tried) and Caleb (Kathryn did too) nurses too fast for me to get anything read.

Nevada said...

ooo, you read Room. I still can not get it out of my head, so fascinating.

I just read Mindy Kasling (Kaling?)'s new book "Is everyone hanging out with me?" It was pretty funny. One chapter has more profanity than the others, but I'm glad I didn't quit reading because she cleaned it up for the last half of the book. (Mindy is a writer on The Office)