All The Kids

baby baby baby baby BabyGaga

Thursday, September 01, 2011

Just sitting at the cabin, having a "normal morning with the kids, except our location is not home. It's grand. Nice to have the little change, this last week of summer. Seriously, is it September?! I'm watching "This Is It" - the movie/documentary about Michael Jackson's rehearsals for the tour that he never even started. I don't know how I feel about him as a person, who knows what did or didn't happen in his personal life - no doubt he had some serious issues relating to his childhood. But musically. Wow - there is no doubt he was absolutely brilliant. Brilliant. Just watching him navigate through every aspect of the concert - his gift was amazing. I would highly recommend everyone watch it!
On the Baby end - the Braxton Hicks have continued and gotten stronger for sure. The kids were scared to sleep upstairs in the cabin a couple of nights ago when it was just us, so I made up a little bed in the closet of the master bedroom for them. Of course, sometime during the night they both joined me. I was feeling so hot and a bit claustrophobic, so they slept normally on the bed, and I ended up on the foot end, sleeping perpendicular to them. Add to that some nice Braxton Hicks that wouldn't go away. Made for a lovely sleep... grrr. But nothing compares to feeling the little feet, etc move across my belly. I just love it. And so do Jared and Ayda. Ayda told me yesterday that Baby is a boy, so I asked her why she changed her mind, as usually she says girl. She told me that at the cabin it's a boy and at home it's a girl. Alrighty then...
I wanted to put some pictures on this post, but it seems that I have left my cord to upload them to the computer at home, so that will have to wait.

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