All The Kids

baby baby baby baby BabyGaga

Friday, August 12, 2011

I have a sinus infection. Yuck, yuck, yuck!!! The worst part is that I can only take Tylenol, which really only takes the edge off of the pain for a short time. And I really don't want to be taking anything if I don't have to, but right now it's a matter of being able to function. And of course, I am also on antibiotics. Which is also a "gamble" with pregnancy, but weighing the pros and cons, I feel completely comfortable taking them to get rid of this, rather than fighting with it and getting no sleep, being in pain for way longer, etc. And I passed it on to my sister-in-law; sorry Karen!!
On another note, two people now have asked me if I recently highlighted Ayda's hair. Well, if you count taking her out for hours to play in the sun, then yes, I guess I did recently highlight her hair! :) She just has the most gorgeous hair, in my opinion. Just enough curl to make it super cute, all shades of blonde so that it does look highlighted, and our hairdresser does a FABULOUS job giving her the cutest cut. It's like Karen described it when we first cut her hair: "The cut is just like her - cute and a little bit of a disaster!" And that is so true. It is wash and wear which suits me just fine. If she wants long hair later, that is fine, but just the person that she is, this is better for her.
And Jared finished up VBS today with a little program and hot dog lunch. He's so funny - he complains about going and then has a grand time. Just like he did with preschool. I hope that is not telling about the years of school to come - I don't have energy to argue with him each day for the next how many years that yes, he does have to go to school! Especially when he does just fine once he's there!!
Baby is doing well - I had an ultrasound on Monday for the study that I am in, and in the 10-15 minutes of the actual scan, this little sucker went from being vertex (head down) to side-lying to breech and back to semi-head down. So yeah, still a ton of shifting. But I love it. I love watching my belly move and feeling hands, feet, elbows, etc sticking out everywhere. Unless I'm trying to sleep - then it gets a bit old! :) But ultimately, that generally means happy and healthy, so whatever. That is more important than falling asleep, right?! I'll bring up the baby clothes this weekend/next week and start putting the newborn stuff in the nursery (that sounds so...ippity - it's really just the Baby's room!!) I think I'll put the really little stuff away, boy or girl, so at least I am prepared either way, and then just have the rest in the bucket waiting to see which color will dominate the closet. And I want to bring the crib and bassinet up. It sort of seems a bit early, and yet, I know how the time will fly by and I don't want to be unprepared. Plus, with Ayda I was totally NOT prepared - my water broke and I still had to pack bags for all of us, etc. So this way I am prepared. My motto is to be prepared for an early delivery and expect a late one!

The picture is me at 30 weeks. Crazy - 30 weeks!!! When people ask me when I am due, and I say mid-October, I often get the "oh, you still have a way to go" comment. But I really don't. It's the middle of August, people!!! Then is September and then October!!

1 comment:

Jamie said...

Looking great, sounds like you're well on your way to being prepared, and yes, you don't have much longer to go!!!