All The Kids

baby baby baby baby BabyGaga

Wednesday, August 03, 2011

Somebody, PLEASE come up with a cold medicine pregnant women can take. This is driving me batty - completely batty. I can't breath, nor can I taste anything. Makes sleeping difficult (for the 6th night in a row) and makes eating unenjoyable. Is that a word?
On a different note, I went to check out bridesmaids dresses with my future step-mom (Terry) and sister-in-law (Karen). It was...well, interesting. The almost 30-week pregnant belly sort of hinders fully trying dresses on, and totally skews the look. We were able to narrow it down to two dresses - one of them is the top choice, but we have to get a seamstress to see if it can be altered enough in the back so that I can wear a proper bra. If not, we'll go with the other one. And it's a total gamble on size. Grrrr, these darn boobs. That's the issue. But it was a fun day, nonetheless. And we found a totally adorable flower girl dress that Ayda and Kaitlyn will wear. And Karen found a dress that will be perfect. She's not in the wedding, but is very closely associated with it, so hers is less dressy, but coordinates really well with either of the ones I choose.
I really wanted to try on wedding dresses again, just watching the brides-to-be. I want another wedding. I don't want another husband, just another wedding! :)

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